You Deserve Support

You deserve support in your breastfeeding journey, whether you are pregnant or postpartum. Your needs don't just cease to exist after your baby is born (even though this is how society typically treats mothers). At Milky Way Babies, we want to support you, and we are here to help you in your breastfeeding goals, no matter what they may be. We also understand just how expensive quality support can be. This is why we operate on a financial sliding scale; because you deserve support, no matter what your financial situation may be.

Our Services

Hi, I'm Jessica

I’m a mom of two beautiful babies- Charlotte and Jack. Maybe like you, I have had wildly different experiences breastfeeding them. As a second time mom, I was blessed with a smoother journey (so far) and thankfully knew what to expect a bit more. With Charlotte, EVERYTHING was difficult. Sheer determination and an incredible support system are major reasons we successfully breastfed. The lack of accessible resources in the Capitol Region and my experiences are why you’ve found me here! I would love to be that incredible support system for you and your family through your breastfeeding journey!

Schedule your visit today!

We would love to hear more about you, and support you in developing and meeting your goals on your breastfeeding journey!