Our Philosophy

At Milky Way Babies, we believe that all families should have access to quality breastfeeding education and support regardless of income or location, and without judgement.

During sessions, you’ll likely hear us say “how do you feel?” repeatedly; this is because YOU MATTER too! Your support should not end once your baby is out, you still matter!

You will be supported in creating and meeting your breastfeeding goals, whatever they may be.

Hey there, I'm Jessica!

I am a mom of two human babies and one on the much furrier side, and also a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC). When I had my first baby, I was mostly concerned about my pregnancy and birth, I thought breastfeeding would just come naturally… it is the most “natural” way to feed our babies, after all. I was very wrong. Just… nope.


After a traumatic birth, NICU stay, lip and tongue ties, oversupply with constant clogged ducts (ouch), and a major case of postpartum anxiety, we found our way and we just took off running from there. Nearly four years later, I am currently breastfeeding baby two and have experienced two VERY different situations. Without incredible determination (and a tad bit of mom guilt) along with the incredible help of so many clinical resources, including my own experience with my lactation consultant, I don’t think this is where I would be today! I certainly would not have two breastfed babies.


These experiences, along with the realization of just how expensive breastfeeding resources are, is why I decided to become a lactation counselor. This is the support I want to provide to you and your family. I look to be not only lactation support, but also someone to point you to the many other local support people available. I’m here to support you, no matter what your family or financial situation looks like.